What We Believe

Our Core Values

We exist to Glorify God and Make Disciples who Live on Mission

1. Everything Is Biblically Based and Prayed Over

2 Timothy 3:16

As a church we seek to "Live Biblically." We follow and obey the Word of God. We are devoted to prayer. Everything we do is prayed over in persistent prayer.


2. Every Person Matters To God

Luke 19:10

We believe that all people have value to God. Rich, poor, young, old and regardless of color or nationality, every person matters to God. If they matter to God, they matter to us.


3. ExceLlence Matters To US

1 Corinthians 10:31

We exist to Glorify God in all we do. Whatever we do should be for the Glory of God. Therefore, we strive for excellence (not perfection) in the eyes of God in order to please him.


4. Every Person Has A Place

Romans 12:4-8

We believe every person has spiritual gifts. We encourage everyone to volunteer and serve. God desires for us to do more than sit and soak. Every person has a place to plug in and be involved.


5. Engage The World

Acts 1:8

We are a "great commission church." We are to witness in our own Jerusalem and also to the ends of the earth. We focus on local missions, North American missions and International missions.

Love god. love people.